當前位置:首頁 > 產品中心 > 羅維朋Lovibond > Lovibond顏色分析 > RT250/RT300/RT400/RT500羅維朋便攜反射式色差儀
品牌 | Lovibond/羅威邦 | 價格區間 | 面議 |
產地類別 | 進口 | 應用領域 | 環保,化工,生物產業,石油,能源 |
測量范圍: | 醫藥產品?塑料?日用品?涂料?食品和飲料 |
RT250/RT300/RT400/RT500 羅維朋便攜反射式色差儀
醫藥產品 塑料 日用品 涂料 食品和飲料
RT 250、RT 300、RT 400 和 RT 500 方便您在漫射 /8°球體或 0/45 的光學幾何結構之間進行選擇,旨在快速、精準且準確地提供一系列產品的色度測量信息。
分析速度對于流程簡化同樣重要,可以幫助您避免錯誤和提高生產效率。相對于人類的視覺主觀數值,RT 系列分光光度計可向您提供更加精準的絕對值。可以對光源、表面和人類觀測者進行量化,從而實現客觀評估。
顏色坐標 (CIE L*a*b*, CIE L*C*h*, CIE XYZ)、各種方程式 (DE*, DEcmc)、指數和光譜數據,可以調整內部和外部以及測試對比所使用的精確標準。您不再需要依賴于陳舊和模糊的物理樣本以及粗略的估計,這些通常會導致嚴重的(通常也是代價高昂的)測量誤差。
您還可以將 RT 300 和 RT 500 與 OnColorTM 軟件包一起配合使用。這樣您就可以下載測量數據,進行詳細分析。并長期保存在 PC 上。
OnColorTM 是一款開放式平臺軟件,適用于目前活躍的所有供應商所銷售的批量生產分光光度計,并且可在舊系統(例如 Machbeth)上運行。OnColorTM 可用于所有分光光度計,從便攜式手持設備,例如 Lovibond® Tintometer® 的 RT 系列,到臺式設備。適用于快速便攜解決方案,同時也能滿足高/端解決方案所要求的精確度。靈活性進一步提升:該軟件既可以使用預設屏幕顯示進行預配置,也可以*根據用戶需求進行定制顯示界面信息。
RT250/RT300/RT400/RT500 羅維朋便攜反射式色差儀訂購信息:
標題 | 應用 | 貨號 | |
RT250 精英版套裝:RT250 RT 250 Spectrophotometer is ideal for the measurement of materials such as paper, plastic, fabric and a variety of hard surfaces |
| 402505 | |
RT300 (0/45) 7 mm 孔徑 This portable hand-held spectrophotometer allows you to obtain absolute and differential measurements in the lab, plant or field |
| 400300 | |
RT305 (0/45) 4-mm 孔徑 This portable handheld spectrophotometer is the most convenient way to measure colour, allowing you to obtain accurate measurements in the lab, plant or field |
| 400305 | |
RT310 (0/45) 15-mm 孔徑 This portable handheld spectrophotometer is the most convenient way to measure colour, allowing you to obtain accurate measurements in the lab, plant or field |
| 400310 | |
RT320 (0/45) 4、7 和 15 mm 孔徑 Highly flexible and portable spectrophotometer provides the perfect opportunity to measure colour anywhere in your facilities |
| 400320 | |
RT400 (散射/8°) 8 mm 孔徑 This cost effective, portable and flexible spectrophotometer featuring sphere technology is perfect for measuring colour on site or in the field |
| 400400 | |
RT500 (散射/8°) 8 mm 孔徑 Portable sphere spectrophotometer with extreme flexibility for multiple applications. An ideal mid-range solution for accurate colour measurement |
| 400500 | |
RT500 Explorer 版套裝:RT500 和 OnColorTM 精簡版 Portable sphere spectrophotometer with extreme flexibility for multiple applications. An ideal mid-range solution for accurate colour measurement |
| 400505 | |
RT505(散射/8°)4-mm 孔徑 Portable sphere spectrophotometer with extreme flexibility for multiple applications |
| 400504 | |
RT520(散射/8°)4 和 8 mm 孔徑 Flexible sphere spectrophotometer with switchable 4mm 8mm aperture. Lightweight and portable, perfect for your colour measurement needs |
| 400520 | |
RT530(散射/8°)14-mm 孔徑 Sphere spectrophotometer for larger areas with 14mm aperture. Lightweight and portable, perfect for your colour measurement needs |
| 400530 |
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